Mashaan blog

Running nerfacto algorithm on lightning ai GPUs

Basic commands

pwd              # print the current directory
ls               # list all files and folders
nvidia-smi       # check GPU status

Installing nerfstudio

Most of these commands were taken from nerfstudio installation page. I found putting them in this order works on lightning ai GPUs.

pip uninstall torch torchvision functorch tinycudann
pip install torch==2.1.2+cu118 torchvision==0.16.2+cu118 --extra-index-url
conda install -c "nvidia/label/cuda-11.8.0" cuda-toolkit 
pip install ninja git+
pip install nerfstudio

Download the dataset

This will download a dataset with the following location:

The folders are:

ns-download-data nerfstudio --capture-name=poster

Training nerfacto algorithm

This command trains the nerfacto algorithm with default parameters:

ns-train nerfacto --data data/nerfstudio/poster  

The output looks like this:

Step (% Done)                                                                                        
29910 (99.70%)      40.633 ms            3 s, 656.933 ms      103.17 K                               
29920 (99.73%)      40.605 ms            3 s, 248.366 ms      103.20 K                               
29930 (99.77%)      41.887 ms            2 s, 932.074 ms      100.67 K                               
29940 (99.80%)      40.978 ms            2 s, 458.696 ms      102.32 K                               
29950 (99.83%)      41.026 ms            2 s, 51.290 ms       102.18 K                               
29960 (99.87%)      42.086 ms            1 s, 683.453 ms      100.18 K                               
29970 (99.90%)      40.978 ms            1 s, 229.333 ms      102.25 K                               
29980 (99.93%)      41.012 ms            820.242 ms           102.19 K                               
29990 (99.97%)      41.987 ms            419.868 ms           100.42 K                               
29999 (100.00%)                                                                                      
Viewer running locally at: http://localhost:7007 (listening on                              
╭─────────────────────────────── 🎉 Training Finished 🎉 ────────────────────────────────╮
│                        ╷                                                               │
│   Config File          │ outputs/poster/nerfacto/2024-12-15_032229/config.yml          │
│   Checkpoint Directory │ outputs/poster/nerfacto/2024-12-15_032229/nerfstudio_models   │
│                        ╵                                                               │
                                                   Use ctrl+c to quit                                

Openning web viewer

The web viewer runs on If you’re running nerfstudio locally, it is just a matter of opening the web browser. But if you’re on the cloud, that could be tricky. Lightning AI provides a web port with the VM, but other cloud providers don’t. For that you need another service, ngrok for example.

Use this command to load a specific checkpoint to the viewer

ns-viewer --load-config outputs/poster/nerfacto/2024-12-15_032229/config.yml

Render a video

Make sure that you have ffmpeg installed. I installed using conda, but it could be different depending on the machine setup.

conda install ffmpeg

You can render a video using ns-render camera-path where you manually pick camera poses that will then be saved to cameras.json. But if you just want a quick video, just use ns-render interpolate:

ns-render interpolate \
 --load-config outputs/poster/nerfacto/2024-12-15_032229/config.yml \
 --output-path renders/output.mp4

Here’s a complete list of ns-render options:

usage: ns-render [-h] {camera-path,interpolate,spiral,dataset}

╭─ options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -h, --help        show this help message and exit                                                │
╭─ subcommands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ {camera-path,interpolate,spiral,dataset}                                                         │
│     camera-path   Render a camera path generated by the viewer or blender add-on.                │
│     interpolate   Render a trajectory that interpolates between training or eval dataset images. │
│     spiral        Render a spiral trajectory (often not great).                                  │
│     dataset       Render all images in the dataset.                                              │